Toning Up While Losing. Recommendations for routine?

I'm still new to MFP and my main focus is weight loss, however from what I have read it's important to lose weight WHILE toning up and doing weight rather than waiting until I hit my goals. Problem is that I don't know where to start or how much is too little. Especially for a woman. The goal isn't to become a lady beefcake, more along the lines of subtly toned fitness model.

I'm doing really well and feeling good on 1200ish calories a day and eating back 75% of exercise calories. I workout 5x/week and burn 350-550 each time on the treadmill either doing intervals or more recently, "power walking" (sorry, I hate that term, it makes me feel like a fanny pack toting Grandma) with high incline. I'm going to have to transition to elliptical or rowing while my knee heals though.

I do 65 minutes on the treadmill and then move over to the chest press at 30 lbs and some sort of arm extension machine (triceps, maybe?) at 60 lbs. I try to do at least 2 reps of 15 each, sometimes more if I'm not too tired. I also work in crunches, 20 each on each side and 20 in the middle.

The machines are pretty intimidating, which is why I only do arms. Should I be doing something with my legs or is the walking/ running enough since I don't want huge calves? Recommendations for what kind of weight lifting I should be doing would be greatly appreciated! Especially from "subtly toned fitness model" aspiring women ; )


  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    Don't worry about getting big. Unless being a fitness model is your lifestyle and you have a VERY specific diet, you won't look like that, not even close, no matter how big the weights you lift. Everyone else says heavy weight lifting is the way to go, not to mention the easiest and the fastest. I completely agree. I guess if you go to the gym often, then weight lifting would definitely help and you could incorporate it into your routine. But also, many people do workout videos like insanity which is great for someone who doesn't have a lot of time and works out at home.

    I personally just do a ton of body weight exercises and I play sports competitively. I'm big into resistance band training and yoga and Pilates in addition to sports so that is definitely helping me tone up quite a bit and I haven't touched heavy weights in quite a while. It probably doesn't give fast results like weight lifting but since I do enough working out a day, it works well for me.

    So, it depends on what type of person you are. I would suggest that you try heavy weight lifting and see if you like it, if not, join a yoga or pilates class or just do things at home.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You're not going to get huge calves, and you won't get bulky lifting heavy weights. "Heavy" is preferably something heavier than your purse or backpack, and an amount that you can only lift with good form for 5-8 reps (I think? correct me if I'm wrong, lifters!).

    If you have access to the big weights, here are two thread for inspiration for you:

    Both lost a good amount of weight, both lift the heavy stuff, and neither are anywhere near bulky. Good programs to look into are New Rules of Lifting for Women (check it out from your library if you want to give it a read before buying), and Stronglifts 5x5, which I believe is online.

    These are programs I would love to start myself, but I don't have access, funds or space for the big weights right now. So I do the best I can with dumbbells and body weight exercises.

    But check out those two topics - great info there, and sounds like it might be the type of results you are looking for.