Need to get motivated!

Back again after a few years "off". Looking for support/advice. 🤞


  • obrienanne787
    obrienanne787 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me if you want we can help each other
  • HickGurl73
    HickGurl73 Posts: 31 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! ;)
  • _rusti_
    _rusti_ Posts: 1 Member
    My advice- don't wait to have a plan. If you're like me, you might feel like you need to make a plan for diet and exercise before you start. But it can be pretty overwhelming!! Plans definitely help you reach success, but just start on something (anything!) and you can work on the plan as you go. Move more TODAY. Eat better TODAY. It doesn't have to be big and you don't have to commit to it forever. As you thing of better ways, change it up. But it's something while you're figuring it out. Eating better might mean no dessert or it might mean only one soda today. Moving more might mean increasing your steps or it might mean shaking it to one song. Just start!! 👊
  • TheRoseRoss
    TheRoseRoss Posts: 112 Member
    What helped me was someone sharing an anecdote:

    Two people join Alcoholics Anonymous. One of them does so because they’ve lost their career, they’ve alienated their family, and they’ve hit rock bottom. The other joined because their partner nagged them until they did. Both attend the same meetings, receive the same advice, and follow the same steps. For one of them, it’s likely going to work. For the other, it probably won’t. Even though they’re using identical methods.

    The point is, “how” you plan to accomplish it isn’t necessarily as important as “why” you want to accomplish it. Start finding your “why.” Not “how am I going to do this,” but instead “why do I want to do this?” For me, learning my “whys” helped tremendously.
  • lantana411
    lantana411 Posts: 99 Member
    Like most people, I joined OA because I needed to lose weight. I quickly found out it wasn't a diet club but rather a group of people who used a blueprint for life to help navigate through moments that trigger our best/worst behaviors. MFP teaches me how to balance my daily food plan. OA teaches me how to go through life loving myself and engaging in life without using people, places, situations and things detract from my joy. Use whatever tools you find that helps you - and please add me to your friends list if you want to give/get MFP support.
  • Harvclien
    Harvclien Posts: 1 Member
    That's so true and it really interesting 🥰🥰