Senior Newbie ...

hello to all :) thrilled to be part of a support group but I am not tech savvy :( my main purpose is to lose weight .. I am a senior and would fit better in that community I believe ... can anyone guide me in that direction please? I am a female, 61 years old

thank you,



  • booboo1000
    booboo1000 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi @VictoriaInTheHouse, 61 here as well. I’m in maintenance now, and did not and still do not use all the tech MFP offers.

    I lost a lot my first year by being careful and thoughtful, and then, when I could face weighing myself, got back to MFP for the last pounds. I didn’t know how much more I wanted to lose as my goals were ten pounds at a time, but I ended up losing about 25 more.

    My use is almost exclusively in logging food and tracking nutrients. I anticipate logging my food choices for a very long time Into the future to manage my maintenance. I suggest you take a look at the posts in threads titled “over 60” or “over 50” for camaraderie from people our age who also are in this.

    Best, Boo
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,017 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi, Victoria, and welcome to the MFP Community.

    One of the kind of threads @booboo1000 mentioned is this one:

    Don't be alarmed if you open it up and the first page has old posts. It's still active: The new posts are at the end, on the high-number pages. You can use the page-navigation controls above/below the post listing to go to a more recent page, if you like. Any thread that's been going on a long time will be like this, new posts at end.

    That said, don't be afraid to participate in threads here or post questions, in multi-age contexts. Pretty much all the tips and tricks that apply to younger folks also apply to us, it's just that there may be some particular things that are more common in our age group. For example, we may have a little lower calorie goal, but the purely age-related differences are surprisingly small; we may find building strength or muscle mass a bit slower than a 20-year-old, but we can still do those things; and we're a little more likely to have certain pre-existing health conditions (but young people can have most of them, too).

    You'll find lots of people at/near/above our age posting in lots of threads, though people don't always say their age if it isn't relevant. (After a while, of participating regularly, I recognize quite a few user names & know some back story.)

    I'm 65, signed up with MFP at age 59, and spent the 59-60 years losing nearly a third of my body weight, from just into class 1 obese to a healthy weight. I'm still hanging around now to maintain that healthy weight (I'm in the mid-120s pounds at 5'5"), but also because I'm so grateful to MFP and the MFP community that I want to do whatever limited things I can to help others, in the way that other MFPers helped me early on.

    Weight loss can work at any age. I think we may even have some advantages: Usually, by our 60s or thereabouts, we have experience with achieving other big, challenging life goals via patient effort over a long time period (such as in our education, career, raising families, learning complex practical skills (carpentry, needlework, food prep), etc.). Also, we tend to know ourselves pretty well by now, both our strengths and limitations. That self-knowledge can be really helpful IMO in personalizing our weight loss strategies to our own preferences, exploit our strengths, work around our challenges.

    Wishing you much success!
  • wow, finally communication with a real person .. lol .. thank you .. I am looking to lose some weight but would love to challenge a like minded person to join me and exchange our progress :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,017 Member
    wow, finally communication with a real person .. lol .. thank you .. I am looking to lose some weight but would love to challenge a like minded person to join me and exchange our progress :)

    You might enjoy joining one of the challenge groups in the Challenges part of the Community here. Direct link:

    There are a bunch of different ones, and it's a good way to meet like-minded people at a similar stage of the process and make friends. Reading the first page of each would give you a flavor of what the group's personality is.

    Best wishes!