Back at it again 🙃

Hi guys, I'm Sam and I'm 27!
After a few months break I'm back - I lost all motivation to stick to the app after losing a stone.
Although I've been away, I haven't put on anymore weight (yay) and I haven't lost any either, that's okay!

I'd love to find some people that actually want to make a friendship, people to have conversations with as well and encouraging and loving our achievements etc. Most of my friends on here are silent or gone so once I do my massive clear out, my friends list will be empty again 😅

Feel free to send me a request! I need a little motivation sometimes, it can be lonely doing this by yourself on top of whatever you have going on ❤


  • TheCrimsonCheese
    Hi Sam! I'm in the same boat, trying to get back on track after a long time away. In addition to healthy eating, I love to run, (once I get past the first couple weeks of getting the legs back in shape anyway :) I'm also looking for some more friends who post status updates that we can go back and forth a bit, whether it's good or bad or just a random comment on life. Best of luck to you!
  • akgonzalez87
    akgonzalez87 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys🙂

    I'm on the same boat, too. I was doing so well and lost my motivation being away on vacation and been in the slump. Now with the holidays creeping up I don't want to keep putting on more weight lol. I tend to walk the track near my home, and workout at home using this YouTube channel or weights in my basement. I am ready to workout more and not eat crazy.

    Best regards,
    Amanda (NY)