HOW do you save recipes to the database once they are already created?

i cannot figure it out because i do it the easy way but the only way to add them is the harder one ingredient at a time way and i just made like 12


  • vatchoug
    vatchoug Posts: 5 Member
    hi did u figured out how? cuz i have the same problem
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Are you trying to log a serving of a recipe that you created with the recipe builder? It's under the "My Recipes"/"Recipes" tab. Go to the Diary, go to Add a food, and right under the search bar are several tabs. On the Android app, there's 4 of them, they say "All," "My Meals," "My Recipes," and "My Foods." On the desktop site it's "Recent," "Frequent," "My Foods," "Meals," and "Recipes."
  • vatchoug
    vatchoug Posts: 5 Member
    I'm trying to save a recipe in the "data", so my friend, from another account, can log it in his diary
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think there's a way to copy entries from someone else's diary if it's open - I don't usually look at others' diaries so I don't know exactly how that works, hopefully someone else will chime in with details about that.