New in forums - any cycling enthusiast out there?

I'm just starting to get active on this site, signed up a while back but never stuck with it. I'm in the home stretch to hit my weight goal and thought having some friends/support and to see other people's stories will help keep me on track.

I took up cycling 2 years ago, have a road bike, and finally reached a point this year where I routinely ride 50 miles in one day, just did one Saturday. My goal before winter comes is to get to 75 miles and then next years goal will be to do my first 100 mile ride.

I've found cycling to be easier on my joints vs. jogging, but I do both. It's also a great form of exercise if you're just starting your weight loss as it's low impact and it does kind of make you feel like a kid again. :)

Anyone else into cycling, no matter how casual and what are you goals.