
Hi, I'm Tammy. I'm new to my fitness pal.

Any motivationiol words of how to keep the grip and not slip??? Lol


  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,154 Member
    edited November 2021
    Honestly, there will be days you will slip! But that's all part of the journey and normal. But what matters is what you do when that happens. You either carry on slipping or buckle up again and get back on track!

    Strive for progress, not perfection.
    Even if its something small, for example drinking an extra cup of water than the day before.
    Or an extra portion of veggies
    Or even an extra 100 steps.

    Also don't try change everything at once, you want to achieve so make your goals EASILY achievable. If it's too hard it will knock your confidence and make you more likely to give up.

    Pick the most important things you want to work on. was drinking more water, logging all my food (the good, bad and ugly) and getting a bit of exercise in no matter how small.

    Then once you've nailed these, add something else :)