Hi! Online support=losses for me, please add me as a friend

I'm new to MFP, but not new to this weight loss journey.

On Monday, I'll be 29. Close to my 23rd bday, I was over 315lbs. I stopped weighing at that point and kept eating and being inactive, so I'm sure my weight climbed to higher than 315lbs (I'll post pics in my profile). I lost a person in the years between 23 and 25, and I have been maintaining at 175 for awhile now (that doesn't include the dip to 135lbs for my wedding or the gain to 220lbs when I was depressed and jobless).

Why am I trying to lose 35lbs?
Well, I'm ready to take the plunge and have my excess skin removed (which I DESPISE). At 140lbs, I'll be in the optimal place for surgery. I would love to actually look good in a bikini someday, esp with all the work I've done over the years.
I'm training for my second half-marathon, and every lb I lose is about 5lbs of pressure off my knees.

I find the online community helps me stay focused on accountability to running and eating well. Let's do this together!