Hi Paul here. 52 and looking for support

I'm 52 years old, from the UK, relatively new to MFP, and just getting started on a long journey, not just weight-loss but more active. Currently on holiday and saw some graffiti that pretty much sums it up - "life is for living, go breath it in, breath it in in bucket loads". I was up to 297 lbs and leading a very sedentary lifestyle. Had an epiphany about 6 weeks ago on my birthday and realised things had to change. I want to to be as fit & healthy as I can be for the rest of my life.

I have since lost 6 lbs through clean eating and lots of exercise. Using MFP to monitor and control food intake and healthy eating and a FitBit One to monitor exercise. Doing lots of walking, and started 'couch to 5k' programme. My goal is to reach my next birthday at a weight of 224lbs with a final target weight of 168lbs. This needs to be a lifestyle change so in it for the longhall. I could use some encouragement so new friends and support would be great. Thanks P.