I don't know if I can do this anymore...



  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I know that it is vanity weight, I've just been focused on reaching 120 for so long it's just kind of hard to let it go. I guess in a way I kind of feel like a failure if I dont reach it.

    I have been looking into weight training though.

    If my TDEE is 1953 should I maybe try taking off 300 cals and eating at 1653? Would this be about 1/2 lb loss a week? Or will upping my cals mean an instant weight gain?

    Upping your cals will mean instant weight gain, BUT it will all come off when your body adjusts.

    I just upped my cals by 100 and I saw a three pound gain that lasted about a week. After the week, I dropped to a new low. Don't worry about water weight fluctuations. If you weight train, you will look far better at 125 than you ever would have at 120.

    Check out my ticker for an example. The difference between the first photo and the third photo is 25 lbs. Notice that I look the same, same shape, just smaller.

    The difference between the last two photos is ONE pound. All I did differently there was lifting.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    i wouldnt worry to much about even losing any more weight at all at 5'6 125 might even be considered under weight. i know 125-135 is normal weight for me and im 5'2. dont stress you are in a very good place
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Additionally, with only 5 lbs to lose you should be eating at TDEE-15%. I suggest that you up your calories by 50 per week until you get to where you want to go, so that you don't have a huge weight change all at once and your body can gradually adjust
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    If my TDEE is 1953 should I maybe try taking off 300 cals and eating at 1653? Would this be about 1/2 lb loss a week? Or will upping my cals mean an instant weight gain?
    Anything below 1953 is a deficit. What is your BMR? You want to eat in between the two numbers.

    I would aim for at least 1700 - and yes, you might see a gain on the scale at first - don't panic! You don't gain pounds of fat overnight. :tongue: As I said before, you have to give it time, let your body adjust to suddenly receiving more fuel.

    And as someone else pointed out - look at this as a life change, things you are learning about eating in a way that you can do for life, losing the fat and keeping it off.
  • csearcher34
    Again, Thank you for the help everyone!

    This is going to be my next plan of action, I put my numbers into the scoobys calculator and it said that my BMR was 1360 and that my TDEE was 1870...

    I'm going to try to aim for 1600 calories first (and I guess I'll have to expect a little bit of a gain) and if I get really adventurous maybe 1700 like you suggested amy.

    Also I'm definitely going to adjust my macros to more protein...

    Hopefully with this plan I won't feel so miserable any longer! =)