Back for the Third Time

Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
Hi from the beautiful state of Oregon. This is my third commitment to MFP. 5'6" and weighed in at 182.4 this morning. My highest weight has been 213 and my lowest diet weight was 146.5. My current goal is 159.

I am 71 and healthy so no excuse to not exercise. Walking is my favorite form of burning calorie. My physical is very supportive of weight loss and encouraging.

I started free plant base classes two years ago. Gained all my weight back during COVID. Although the blaming COVID is an excuse for sure.

I travel a lot and find setting priorities very challenging while doing so.

It feels great to be back!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,650 Member
    Hello, and welcome back!

    You're about my size (I'm 5'5"), and around the weight I was when I started on MFP (I was 183). That was when I was 59, but I'm 66 now, so we're not that far apart in age, either. (I'm maintaining these days, mostly, rather than losing, other than that few pounds up and down that seems to define maintenance for me. 😉)

    It sounds like you have a good routine you've used in the past to lose weight, so I'm betting on your being able to make it work again this time. I can see how travel and stress complicate keeping it off, for sure - that's kind of the next challenge, isn't it?

    Have you checked out the 60+ thread here in the Introductions area? It has a lot of people in our demographic, and has stayed active a long time (so the newer posts are at the end on the higher numbered pages):

    Wishing you much success with your goals!