Chocolate peanut butter cookie dough

lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
I was hungry last night and mucking around in the kitchen and made the most delicious discovery . It really tasted like choc-peanut butter cookie dough, was about 250 cals, very very filling, decent amount of protein, and super yum!

I didn't measure any of this, so it's just a guide and you can experiment yourself.

1/4 cup of Coconut Flour
1 tbsp dark pure Cocoa
1 tsp Sweetener, I used Natvia
2 tsp crunchy Peanut Butter, I use the 100% peanuts type
1 tsp Vanilla essence
1/4 cup skim milk, very approximate, just add until you get the right consistency

All you do is put it all in a bowl and mix together until you get the right taste and consistency. It makes a ball about the size of a fist, and you could prob bake it to make real cookies, or even just let it sit for 12 hours to make a drier slice-type thing.
