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Exercise Sets

In the Exercise section, it would be nice to batch exercises together like Meals under food. When we do a program with multiple strength training exercises, it's a pain to add each one every time. (9 in my case) I could create a general title indicating that but it gives no information about what I'm actually doing.

Also, some exercises like planks and pushups use body weight. The exercise entry form doesn't allow for that. It wants a number.

Thanks for a great app though. Much appreciated.
3 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,252 Member
    You might want to take a look at "Workout Routines" in premium MFP (in the documentation, if you don't have premium). I think what you're asking for is similar to what that feature does. I doubt that it will be added to free MFP, since it's one of the special things one gets with premium, I think. It's only available in the phone/tablet apps, not the web version of MFP. I don't *think* you can build your own routines with it in free MFP, but not 100% sure because I have premium.
  • rwarren1969
    rwarren1969 Posts: 20 Member
    I have a similar request. I would like to be able to enter an exercise like: Walk to IGA which would involve going to the store (time / distance), around the store (speed / time / distance), and walking home with groceries.

    Also I didn't find: Walk with a bundle buggy. Sometimes you have to buy a lot and can't carry it in your arms!

    (I use the free web version if that helps)