Big Ol' Over-50 Fatty With Optimism!



  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi Helen,

    53 here and overweight my entire life except for a very short span in my early to mid 20s.
    I'm still changing things up as I go along but I definitely know that this time is THE time to finally take care of this once and for all.
    I'm a binge eater and I'm trying the 16:8 approach to an eating plan for now. Just started 2 days ago, so early days, eh?

    I'm a faithful logger and here everyday if you'd like to have another friend on here. :flowerforyou:

  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Helen, with that attitude you are going to succeed! No doubt about it! I'm 56 years old and I know how it feels to just see the weight pile on year after year after year. I made every excuse in the world to stay as I was, including "I'm not really that fat." 13 months later, I'm feeling better than I have in the last 20 years (except for lousy knees). It's all about the accountability of logging and moving the old body! The rest takes care of itself. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • pk140
    pk140 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all! Love to jump in here, not sure how to get added to a list though.

    Looking forward to encouraging and being encouraged on our journey. pk
  • rhondajbreed
    Hi my name is rhonda and i hope that its ok i am not 50 i am only 47, but have struggled with my weight since i was a child and having to buy husky jeans when i was in school, my mother never let me forget how big i was and i was going to keep getting bigger until i straightened out. I have 4 kids and kept gaining weight with all of them i was able to keep my weight at about 190 (which was overweight but not as bad as i am now) until i had my last son 17 yrs ago. I am now at 300 pounds and my son is 17 now he is always telling me i look beautiful. I dont go out in public for 2 reasons i have arthritis bad in both knees doc wants me to have replacement surgery, and alot of times when i do go into public i am asked when i am due, i look like i am 9 months pregnant, then i get depressed go home and eat. I have tried ww and atkins, and jenny craig,and so many others i cant remember over the years and the weight is the same doesnt go up or down. I read about this group when i was in a weight loss group. I have a friend who is about 500 pounds and she told me about a program she is on and she has lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks, i was so amazed. She said it was the pills she takes trying to eat right and having friends and people who understand about how hard it is to lose weight and how a person feels about being fat that has helped her alot. So i have joined the program and i am hoping it works for me and i am hoping being in a group with nice people like you will help me stay positive and on track. Because of weight i am to shy to go to meetings so i figured it would be alot easier on here and i would like to make friends but dont want anyone to see me cause i think they will judge me. I am hoping its ok if i join this group but i understand if you say no. Thanks for listening sometimes i ramble and my teen son agrees with the rambling lol.