Reaching goal weight 31st December 2022 challenge

threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
Think you can reach goal weight by the end of 2022? Post your plan and weekly or whatever weigh-ins with how you think you're going.


  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I've been thinking that Dec 31st 2022 might be a relatively easy date for reaching goal weight. My plan is to lose weight faster at the start, so I can have a long, slow approach to goal weight at the end. It also means that it'll take exactly 2 years to lose the 31 kg I want to lose. Friday weigh-ins, 3rd Dec 91.4 kg, 27.4 kg to lose in 393 days = 70 grams a day to lose, or 490 grams a week at least.
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    I think that OUGHT TO BE EASY if I weren’t in the equation with my lack of self control, overactive sweet tooth and stress eating.
    I’d love to drop from 147lbs to 122 lbs and stay there to take the strain off my body as I have osteopenia.
    I need to take charge of me .
    Find stress busters (non food)
    Relaxation time (I’m not a reader)
    Realistic goals for daily chores.

    Okay Nan let’s start a plan
    Think about it and report back