Hello everyone! My user name is EverydayEveryday

EverydayEveryday here just joined. My user name is the mantra that I use every day while I am walking. I am 62 and started walking every day on May 3, 2021 and have not missed a day and kept track of steps and miles and time and have walked 605 miles since starting. I try to walk a minimum of 2 miles each day but cannot believe how often that is exceeded. I also cannot believe how motivating it is and how eating different and picking up weights and stretching and yoga just begs me to continue. I feel so much better and I am a lot happier in my life. I joined here to continue on towards my goal which is 15 more pounds with no dieting. I have changed my eating though to clean, whole foods and trying to understand macro nutrients and the health benefits of certain foods. I joined "Fierce Women Sculpting Powerful Bodies and Champion Mindsets" group on Facebook and have learned so much and participated in their free short challenges. I am looking forward to being a part of this community and hopefully learn to do things to slow the aging process and accelerate the health of my older body. Cheers everyone!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,718 Member
    Hello, EverydayEveryday, and welcome to MFP! Also, congratulations on your progress - nice work.

    I'm a 66 year old woman, but an MFP long-timer. I joined MFP in 2015, when I lost 50+ pounds, and have been hanging around here since to maintain a healthy weight. I've been fairly active even longer, starting in my mid-40s after cancer treatment. I'm mostly a rower (on water when I can, machine when I must), but also cycle (trails on a hybrid bike, stationary bike in Winter), lift a little in the off season, do some yoga (not as consistently as I'd benefit best from!), among other things.

    There are quite a few people here our age, and quite a few active people, but I haven't found too many groups yet with active women our age. Generally, though, I enjoy participating in the threads/groups here that have a mix of ages and other characteristics.

    Do you have specific goals or plans you hope MFP will help you achieve? There are lots of friendly people, and different topics being discussed daily. I'd encourage you to read and post in the Community - betting you have some good perspectives to share, from your experiences.

    Wishing you continuing success in your pursuit of health and fitness!