Anyone else having connectivity issues?

Jian726 Posts: 7 Member
My Fitbit charge 3 is working fine. It has been interfacing flawlessly for several years now... until yesterday.

Yesterday, my android mobile app showed no step trackers connected.

I went through the steps to reconnect Fitbit through the mobile app and it worked well for a couple of hours.

Then once again, MFP reported no step tracking apps connected. I used a browser, went to the MFP website and sure enough, it too reported no step trackers connected.

I reconnected Fitbit on the website. Had to do this several times before it appeared on my mobile app.

Seems to work for an hour or less, then it reports "No Step Trackers connected," and I have to do the song and dance again.

If you're experiencing this or have a solution, please weigh in.

Best Answers


  • jstumy
    jstumy Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2021
    Exactly the same problem over here.

    This started on Monday 12 December for me.

    I experienced a problem/bug with my steps in combination with calories. I was overwhelmed with the amount of 'free' calories I won for a few steps 😅

    I tried to disconnect and reconnect to the Fitbit-app to solve the steps and calories issue/bug, but after that a new problem began:

    I had trouble to connect to the Fitbit-app app after I disconnect it.
    Most of the times I had to try to connect to the Fitbit-app multiple times before it was finally visible as connected. But as soon as I add food in the myfitnesspal diary it was disconnected again.

    I can then try to connect to the Fitbit app again. But as soon as I add another meal, the Fitbit app is disconnected again. It's driving me crazy!..

    Please do something with this issue Fitbit, it started last Monday with the steps and calories issue/bug:
  • MsFraggleRed
    MsFraggleRed Posts: 11 Member
    It's completely messed up for me. I have had the Fitbit app connected since 2014 with no major issues. Then yesterday the Fitbit app didn't show as connected. I tried connecting at least 10 times with no luck. I go through all the steps to connect, allow MFP full access just for it to not be connected. It finally showed up briefly this morning, synced some calorie adjustments, but nothing synced to Fitbit and now it's disconnected again. I tried connecting through the app on my iPhone, iPad and on the web... ugh! Running out of ideas.
  • caddario82
    caddario82 Posts: 6 Member
    MFP and Fitbit have not been syncing at all since around midday on Monday for me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    jstumy wrote: »

    It is not a FitBit issue, it's an MFP issue stemming from some maintenance work they started on Monday 12/13.
  • gprice238
    gprice238 Posts: 1 Member
    I am having the same problem with my Fitbit not syncing since yesterday and today again it is not showing up on MFP. Does anyone know if MFP has corrected the problem?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    gprice238 wrote: »
    I am having the same problem with my Fitbit not syncing since yesterday and today again it is not showing up on MFP. Does anyone know if MFP has corrected the problem?

    click on the link I posted 2 posts above yours.
  • jstumy
    jstumy Posts: 5 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    jstumy wrote: »

    It is not a FitBit issue, it's an MFP issue stemming from some maintenance work they started on Monday 12/13.

    You're right! I had the Fitbit-app app in the top of my mind when writing this post 😑. It should be:

    Please do something with this issue Myfitnesspal.
  • MJW12020
    MJW12020 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes, MFP did some tech maintenance stuff and broke the system. I am getting no exercise calories, which sucks. I have been in deficit every single day for a year and while I know I am still actually in deficit, it sucks to show a huge negative for my remaining calories.
    I tried making my MFP counts look right by manually adding exercise into MFP, but then they appeared in the Fitbit app and made it look like I'd had a huge exercise day.
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