First Party

bellanean Posts: 220
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Since I decided to lose weight and get healthy its been pretty easy and I havent gone to a party that I couldnt control the food choices. We have had a few get togethers and I would always just bring my food that I wanted because its been at houses, but this time its out somewhere, I cant really bring my own food lol.

I am not sure what type of food with be served but I am going to try and make the best choices I can! But just incase I already burned 500 calories before work at the gym and I am going back to burn another 500. That will give me an extra 1000 calorie cusion!

And to top it off there was flooding all over today on my way to work, which caused me to be late, causing me to not be able to stop where I wanted for breakfast. so I had to stop at mcdonalds, i tried to make a decent choice! So my breakfast calroies are kinda high, so this is going to be one the toughest days for me!

Should I eat before I go to the party so therefore im not as hungry and dont feel the need to eat a lot?


  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    On the few occasions that I've had to go out to eat, I have given myself a bit of a calorie-buffer (as you have) and then tried to choose sensibly e.g. chicken instead of burgers at a barbecue, prawn starter instead of breaded & fried brie, coffee but no dessert.

    If it's a drinks-and-nibbles party then it's harder to keep track and I try not to eat the snacks.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I went to a bbq last night and did the same as you. I put in as much of a workout as I could manage and hoped for the best. I brought my own beer (Corona Light...99 calories), skipped the cake and hamburger bun, but went with the s'mores. I ate small amounts of foods I haven't had in months, and jumped on the scale to this morning to see I was down another pound. I think because I've been so true to MFP, a little 'cheat' here and there has actually been good for me. Emphasis on LITTLE cheat!
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm worried about this too - I have four (yes, four!!) dinners planned with friends over the next three weeks (all people I rarely see due to work), and a wedding on the 30th July. This will be the first time out since starting to change my eating habits. At the moment I'm thinking I will do a good workout on those days (800 - 900 cals) eat smaller portions and listen to my own stomach when it tells me I am full.
    I hope if I do this I'll get through just fine :)
    (and feel better for it, especially if I say no to extras!)
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Go to the party you will enjoy yourself because you are in control and you are doing great! Eat a light meal before you leave and also nibble on some of the foods at the party you will do fine. Take one of those 100 calories and put it in your purse just in case (pick a really good one) and also take your sugar free gum. Also eat a large piece of fruit like a large green apple and drink lots of water before and during the party and most of all, have a great time!
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