Exercise calories incorrect

Rsrs35 Posts: 46 Member
So my exercise calories have completely gone wild. I did 30 mins exercise the other day and was given 1450 calories? Then today I did a small something and it minuses 250 cals.

Can someone help

I won’t understand the whole negative calculation etc

I use a fitness watch

It was fine before I messed around and now I don’t know what I did / how to get it back to normal. Thanks!


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you use MFP without having a fitness tracker synced, you go through the guided setup and tell it how active you are before counting your exercise, then log your purposeful exercise separately in order to give yourself bonus calories to eat on days that you do that exercise. The idea is that you don't need to exercise to lose weight (if that is your goal), but if you do exercise, you earn more calories for the day by increasing your activity.

    If you have a fitness tracker synced to MFP with negative adjustments enabled, the tracker is changing your calorie allotment for the day based on your actual activity, if you're more or less active on a given day than you told MFP you are normally. There are a few problems with this - syncing issues being a prominent one right now, that's a software problem that MFP staff are actively working on. For now, you can try un-linking your tracker from the app and manually adding exercise entries; you can override whatever MFP calculates for your calorie burn with whatever your tracker tells you you burned, if you like.
  • Rsrs35
    Rsrs35 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey @goal06082021 Thanks for this.

    I’m going to unsync like suggested and manually add the workouts.

    I need to increase my NEAT without logging anyway and also have decided I will only add intense workouts 45mins over…. Anything else can stay off!!

    This isn’t easy but I’m beginning to feel more in control.

    Thanks bud!
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