Anyone else having trouble with their MyFitnessPal app and the Fitbit app syncing?

aparks28 Posts: 1 Member
My apps have been struggling to sync correctly for the last 2 days and it is driving me crazy. I have reconnected it several times and it does not want to work like it was before.


  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm having this now. I have it synched but the box underneath is checked saying not to track my steps. I cannot uncheck it. So frustrating!
  • gtiffany003
    gtiffany003 Posts: 2 Member
    Mine has been doing this also. Keeps disconnecting from my Fitbit and can't uncheck the box to not track steps.
  • MJW12020
    MJW12020 Posts: 39 Member
    It's been identified as a problem by the tech team for nearly a week. They were doing system maintenance and broke something. A fix has been promised since Monday. Still not working.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Yep, it now synchs but it gets doubled most days showing an insane deficit and my 5 week forecast unreasonably low.
  • damorere
    damorere Posts: 22 Member
    I reconnected my fitbit and mine finally synced, but double counted a couple of days, did one day correctly, and then stopped syncing again. I am beyond frustrated. I also can't get the "don't track steps" box unchecked. I've been using this app for many years and have previously loved it. This is beyond frustrating.
  • fit19gramma
    fit19gramma Posts: 23 Member
    Same issues here with Fitbit Charge 5. Very aggravating! No steps are showing in exercise. Also having synching issues. I had it paired with ipad and iPhone. Found that I have to only use Bluetooth on one device which is a pain. Have had to disconnect and reconnect multiple times. I hope this can be resolved soon! It was so good before this started happening.
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    Into January and still not syncing.
  • Daylily430
    Daylily430 Posts: 12 Member
    Last time it synced was 11:54PM on 12/31/21
  • albamarie61
    albamarie61 Posts: 40 Member
    I am curious if a solution has been found. I have unlinked the Fitbit app and relinked about 5 times now and it usually works for the day but like Cinderella, it stops at midnight. I have to relink every single day to get it to work. Please find a solution MyFitnessPal! I am a premium member and this makes want to go back down to the free version!
  • fit19gramma
    fit19gramma Posts: 23 Member
    Same here
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Same here! So annoying! My dh’s One is still syncing, but not my Charge 2 or a Luxe I am trying. @fit19gramma do you like the Charge 5? Thinking of it instead of the Luxe.
  • fit19gramma
    fit19gramma Posts: 23 Member
    @retiredandlovingit I love my Charge 5. This synching issue is very frustrating though. Honestly I don’t use all of the features. I get inconsistent zone minutes even though I do the same 45 min on treadmill at 3 mph most days. Otherwise I really like it. I am retired and loving it too!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I am thinking of staying with the Luxe. I wondered how annoying it would be to see HR when on treadmill, but not too bad. Not sure I would use all the features on the Charge 5. Kind of wonder if it is reading my HR right, tho, because it doesn’t go as high as my old Charge 2 even with walking faster on the treadmill.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Still can’t get it to sync tho, unless I disconnect & then reconnect each day! So annoying.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited February 2022
    I have a Charge 5 coming tomorrow. Decided I wanted to see which I really prefer. Back to the topic…I kept disconnecting Fitbit from MFP & then reconnecting it. It would work for that time only. Finally got on the Fitbit website on the computer & disconnected MFP. Then went to MFP & reconnected Fitbit & now they are talking to each other again. I am now getting exercise calories multiple times per day without doing anything to make it go through.
  • Squiktater
    Squiktater Posts: 12 Member
    I stopped paying for premium because of this problem.
  • kellyehy
    kellyehy Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone still have this problem? I have it, MFP tech has told me I have a faulty token and have to revoke access in the web not app. Done it many times and it still isn't working!
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