angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member



  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    LOL I love how the guy turns on his wipers! Priceless.
  • This is Hilarious!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    BAAHAHAHAHA! "WHEW! Almost missed you!"
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.
  • funniest-animal-gifs-suddenly-cheetah.gif


  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    WOW!!! Love it :)
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.

  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Here's the whole video...The deer gets off eventually! lol
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.

    Well the humor is actually in the caption and not the incident itself....But if I'm evil for laughing, just let me find my horns and pitchfork! lol
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.

    What about annoyed animals?

  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.

    What about annoyed animals?


    now THAT is some funny *kitten*

    hahahaha Silly pup! :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    That poor deer. Maybe I empathise because I work with injured and terrified animals. But I find nothing about this funny.

    ETA: the more I think about this, the more I find it appalling. Oh, it has funny captions! This animal's suffering is hilarious!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I don't find injured and terrified animals funny at all.

    What about annoyed animals?


    now THAT is some funny *kitten*

    hahahaha Silly pup! :)
    This however is funny.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    That poor deer. Maybe I empathise because I work with injured and terrified animals. But I find nothing about this funny.

    ETA: the more I think about this, the more I find it appalling. Oh, it has funny captions! This animal's suffering is hilarious!

    Yep- Youre right! The deer "suffering" is HILARIOUS! *looks around*

    Lighten up people...You can't just assume the worst. In the video the deer appeared to be fine...He wasn't suffering...he was confused and trying to figure out how to get off....and eventually he prances right through the front doors of the bus. I'd like to think he was on his way to tell Thumper and Flower about his crazy adventure! :)