Going from 220 to 145 by September. Looking for support friends.

Hey, guys. The title kinda says it all. Take a look at my profile for more info on me. Any adds for support would be appreciated. I'm hoping to kick out 30 min. of something intense daily and would love some high fives, tips, inspiration, etc. along the way. :)


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    thats rather ambitious, and while not impossible... you may be making it harder for yourself than necessary.

    I lost 50 some odd pounds this year. Less than what you are aiming for. My starting weight was a bit lower, but not a whole lot, all things considered.

    I have lost a TOTAL of 230 some odd pounds (would have to do the math). That process has taken since 2014. I had been maintaining for a couple of years before starting back this year. But I came into it with good habits already established and .... HABIT. knowing what I was doing. weighing and logging food, a semi regular workout schedule, understanding weight and its fluctuations, etc. I also did NOT have a set number I wanted to lose. So, every pound lost was a win in my mind. I also had some health issues that resulted in losing about 20 of those pounds. So basically... a freebie.

    So... if you only lose 30 pounds? that is a FAR more realistic goal... you can allow yourself more calories to eat (cause hunger is REAL), and still ... lose weight. It is not a race. This is a game of patience and long term endurance. Most people who jump in headfirst with lofty goals and high expectations burn out pretty quickly, and .... give up. usually gain back any weight they lost. The scale doesnt move every week. Some weeks, it moves UP. Especially for women and our hormone and cycle fluctuations.

    Be kind to yourself. Set reasonable, achievable goals. youll be far more likely to achieve them, and then keep the weight OFF.
  • Rczyzewicz
    Rczyzewicz Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same place as you and looking for friends. Trying to figure bout how to add you. Or if anyone could add me as a friend
  • metaphysicalstudio
    metaphysicalstudio Posts: 293 Member
    Being kind to yourself is good advice. I would love to join you in your journey.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Rczyzewicz wrote: »
    I'm in the same place as you and looking for friends. Trying to figure bout how to add you. Or if anyone could add me as a friend

    With recent changes to the forums, its not as easy to get to peoples profiles profiles anymore. The easiest way (from a computer) is to replace the user name (like in the url below) with the user name of the person you want to add. ( i cant help you with doing it from a phone as I dont use the forums on my phone). I dont care if you add me, but I will warn you, I am not the friend for everyone. I am very supportive, and off and on all day, so see most things, but I swear like a sailor and ramble incessantly about my life, and not just about diet and weight crap. I have an awesome group of friends who are pretty much the same. You are welcome to board to crazy train and hop off if you so choose. https://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/callsitlikeiseeit
  • itsbritneybetch91
    itsbritneybetch91 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi hi, I was at 300+ 8 months ago and am now at 218 looking to get to 145 by Sept as well. Feel free to add me!
  • runboxgame
    runboxgame Posts: 18 Member
    Itsbritneybetch91, nice! So we’re pretty well aligned with goals. I’ll drop you a friend request soon! I think 1-2 lb./week is reasonable.