
Hi my name is Alex. I'm new to the app, new to the site, a college student and own my own business. I've been working out at a fitness center for about 3 years now. I lost roughly 20 pounds to start but it's been a couple of years now and for as much as I try to follow a healthy vegetarian diet, work out at least 3 days a week, ride a bike and walk everyday it seems that my body is done losing weight.

My ultimate goal is to drop roughly 80 pounds, weight that I put on very quickly during a super high stressful year that apparently allowed my body to put the weight on in the first place.


  • Alex_P_360
    Alex_P_360 Posts: 3 Member
    My height is 5' 5.5, the last time weight myself I was 273. I don't know how many calories I eat everyday. The diet plan I'm on doesn't count points or calories.