Stomach reset day

Yesterday Xmas day was messy! No logging food, way too much dinner (although it is really only a Sunday roast), way too much dessert, nibbles, alcohol and a very late night!

So today is reboot Boxing Day. Healthy proteins, lots of water and a home workout……

Hope you’re Xmas day was as fun x


  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,077 Member
    Thanks! Glad to know there are other 'rebooters' out there. I don't regret eating far too many calories over the holiday. Once sated, I soon wearied of rich, too-sweet food and couldn't wait to return to leaner meals. Plus, I felt stiff, achy and ten years older after a few days of too much. It was fun, but now I am OVER it. Onward!