How do you make friends on this thing

How do you make friends and support groups on this because I haven't had any luck with neither? LOL


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    With recent changes to the forums, its not as easy to get to peoples profiles profiles anymore. The easiest way (from a computer) is to replace the user name (like in the url below) with the user name of the person you want to add. ( i cant help you with doing it from a phone as I dont use the forums on my phone). I dont care if you add me, but I will warn you, I am not the friend for everyone. I am very supportive, and off and on all day, so see most things, but I swear like a sailor and ramble incessantly about my life, and not just about diet and weight crap. I have an awesome group of friends who are pretty much the same. You are welcome to board to crazy train and hop off if you so choose.

    I dont use the forums on my phone at all (truly, i use MFP as little on my phone as possible lol), so cant help you doing it that way.

    To find groups, go to the groups tab and you can scroll through whatever ones pop up or you can do a search for whatever topic strikes your fancy.