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Keep titles visible

I’m just getting used to this app and there is a lot I like but I find it awkward and a bit frustrating to try and view the carbs, protein, fats, etc in the Food Diary. If you look at Breakfast, for example, you see all the column titles on the left. As you scroll down past lunch, dinner and snacks, the titles disappear so it makes it hard to read the stats once the titles disappear. I would find it helpful to be able to have the titles always be visible. Thank you.
1 votes

· Last Updated


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,055 Member
    If I had started MFP with the app I would have quickly abandoned it. I find desktop much easier to use, including for macro info.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,959 Member
    What view are you using and what version of the app?
    I'm using the landscape mode in the food diary, in the Android app, and I see the column headers even if I scroll down.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,959 Member
    What view are you using and what version of the app?
    I'm using the landscape mode in the food diary, in the Android app, and I see the column headers even if I scroll down.