
Hi I’m looking for friends to help keep me motivated on my fitness goals .my target is weight loss


  • gagrod
    gagrod Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Andre - I'm looking to do the same. Feel free to sign me up - happy to provide positive vibes!
  • MissBraeBee
    MissBraeBee Posts: 40 Member
    Im looking for some motivation too, hope you two do not mind that I add you :)
  • bt81047099
    bt81047099 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I'm also looking for some motivation. I would like to be friends so we could motivate each other.
  • mikedee_nyc
    mikedee_nyc Posts: 198 Member
    Feel free to add
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    One really great way to get a lot of support and help with commitment is to join a team. One that is fantastic is the Fat 2 Fit Weight Loss Challenge and Support Group. There are 5 teams, each small enough that you really get to know your teammates. There are weekly weigh-ins to keep on track, lots of encouragement if you hit bumps in the road (as you will!) and some terrific people who are there with you. The full group has fun challenges to work on specific things (tracking, exercise, water, planning and commitment, etc.) and everyone is there to help make your weight loss and health growth work.

    If you are interested, first go check out the group. Snoop around on the team chat threads (under Discussions), and then go ahead and sign up if it looks like it might work for you. If one team in particular looks like it fits your personality well, be sure to request that one. Of course, you can always change teams later to try something new. We're easy, flexible, and it really works.

    Here is the home page for the group:

    If you want to sign up, there is a thread right there under Announcements:

    Hope to see you there!
  • stacyhyoung1
    stacyhyoung1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone. I am looking for friends to help me out in all sorts of areas. Shoot me a message/request.
  • Angold83
    Angold83 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also looking for friends to help with this journey! feel free to add me x
  • ruthieg68527
    ruthieg68527 Posts: 52 Member
    Me too :)
  • blueunicorn125
    blueunicorn125 Posts: 411 Member
    Me too!
    Feel free to add me! :)