Restarting yet again

Good morning everyone and Happy New Year! After trying and failing I’m giving MFP another go. I was on a roll a couple years go getting all my steps in but I couldn’t take control of my eating or drinking. Time to make myself accountable! I’m not sure what else to say at the moment but I had to start somewhere. Fingers are crossed that 2022 will be much better!

Who want to join me on this roller coaster ride?


  • appletonium
    appletonium Posts: 1 Member
    The more support we have the more likely we are to succeed! You can count me in
  • 74Crash
    74Crash Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2022
    I'm there with you!! I just signed back up! I'm going to make a shopping list and a few meals to plan and make this week!! Then off to the store and meal prep this afternoon/evening!!! I work from home but I feel if I meal prep it's going to be easier! Then figuring out what I want to eat. I'm also going to eat 6 times a day. This will be hard!! But better for my sugar levels! My other goal I set was to workout 3 times a week!! I joined planet fitness months ago and have never went. I wrote out my why. It's to feel better, have a better relationship with my food, and to be healthier for my daughter who's 6. I want her to see me making healthier choices so she will too!!!
  • gramaj98
    gramaj98 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting over also, time to get serious & get off the roller coaster :) What is MFP & how do you get it?
  • Carriehelene
    Carriehelene Posts: 178 Member
    gramaj98 wrote: »
    I'm starting over also, time to get serious & get off the roller coaster :) What is MFP & how do you get it?
    MFP is MyFitnessPal, the site you are on now. For info on how to use it, read all the stickies at top of each topic, starting with this one 😀
  • cweeks2515
    cweeks2515 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m with you too