Some units of measure (How much) missing in Android app since latest update

donander Posts: 8 Member
I have been using the MFP Android app for maybe 15 years. I enter 99% of the foods I eat by weight, using a digital scale. In the morning I put my coffee cup on the scale and pour about 40 to 60 grams of whole milk in the cup then put the cup in my Keurig machine and brew the coffee. Until about 2 weeks ago the "How much" drop-down had "milliliters" as one of the choices but then it changed to just offering "cup" and "gram(s)". First I just divided the number of grams of milk (grams = milliliters for milk) by 240, the number of grams/milliliters in one cup and entered the decimal fraction for the amount. Yesterday I thought I would try the "gram(s)" unit of measure. When I chose that and entered "56" I was shocked to see the number of calories shown was "8,960"!! I don't know what "gram(s)" means but it sure must not mean "grams". Has anyone else seen this? I've also seen dozens of other "How much" units have gone missing. When I make a recipe like an enchilada casserole, I will add a whole can of enchilada sauce. Before a couple of weeks ago, the "How much" drop-down offered "1 container" which had the same number of calories as if I had taken the 1 serving number on the Nutrition Facts label on the can and multiplied it by the number of servings shown on that label. But now "1 container" is gone. Very frustrating. I could cite many more examples. Anyone else seeing this?


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    There is a common glitch with some admin-created entries in which the stated unit is 1 g but it should have been 100 g. I just pretend it was 100 g and proceed.
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