Correct time for weighing

I weight myself this morning before breakfast and just now, after dinner and was quite confused that the weight is not the same (i use digital weighing scale). I guess maybe that's because i just ate something and thus my body is heavier now...?

so any suggestion when's the perfect time to measure myself in order to get the perfect measurement :bigsmile:


  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    There is no perfect time to measure weight. If you really want to do it just do it in the morning when you first wake up.

    Otherwise taking pictures of yourself, and measuring your body in inches is a far better way of seeing your progress.
  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    It doesn't matter - I try to do it around the same time (before breakfast) but there's no real rule to it. I am around 2lbs heavier in the evening than the morning.
  • allories
    allories Posts: 25
    Thank you for the replies, guess i'll stick to measuring on mornings and using tapes for inches :happy:
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    I try first thing in the morning before my morning tea or even water... although if you're weighing daily remember you will fluctuate (ie i had 'gained' 1.6 lbs from yesterday til today)... don't get discouraged - our bodies are 'strange beings' - always changing....I would suggest once a week at the same time/day
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't think there is a "correct" time. Just be consistent.

    I'm one of those people who weigh myself 2x a day - morning and night. There's usually difference of 3 pounds or so, and that reminds me that there WILL be those daily fluctuations, and it also keeps me mindful. Some people get obsessed with weighing themselves every day, but it works for me.

    Just be consistent, and find something that works for you.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Thank you for the replies, guess i'll stick to measuring on mornings and using tapes for inches :happy:

    Good decision. If you're tracking your weight, also pay more attention to the trend line and less to the inevitable daily fluctuations.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Agreed. No "correct" time, but, to be the most "accurate", try to be as consistent at your weigh ins. For example, for my log in weight, I weigh myself on Monday morning: I get up, use the bathroom, strip everything off & step on the scale starkers! Then, I like to get on again Fri or Sat morning the same way to give myself an idea as to how I'm doing.

    Years ago I belonged to another board where some people used something called the "Pants-o-meter" to see how they were doing as well. For instance, this last week, even though I was eating under my calories & doing my runs, being "good", I gained .8 pound. However, when I put on a pair of capris that have been snug on me, they now fit. Scale went up, "pants-o-meter" went down! lol
  • psuskifan
    psuskifan Posts: 19 Member
    Its a lot like the stock market, if you let "results" from every day get to you it will drive you nuts. I can easily gain or lose 4-5 pounds in a one day swing. Heck, you could gain three pounds in the next five minutes just drinking 48 ounces of water.

    All that said, I have found its best to weigh myself in the morning. It is really discouraging to have really good two days and be the same weight, but try to use the "results" you get from the scale and look at them in the larger picture over the course of a week. For example, if 5/7 of the days you are up two pounds from where you were last week, its time to evaluate if something has to be changed. It its 2/7 and the other 5/7 show a 1ish pound decrease, in my opinion all is well.