Helloooooo newbie!!!

Well hello there, today is my first day on myfitnesspal so I thought rather than lurking in the background I would actively try and integrate myself here and see if I can keep my motivation up!!

A little bit of my background.....I am a petite 5ft 2" and most of my life have been slim. Unfortunately, when I hit my late teens and through to my mid 20's I suffered with anorexia and bulimia and did myself a fair bit of damage and just managed to keep myself from being hospitalized. I am left permanently with a hiatus hernia from the bulimia which gives me severe acid reflux! At the age of 26 after years of pain unassociated with the ED I was finally diagnosed with a rare congenital illness - Chiari Malformation and underwent major brain surgery at 26. Following the surgery I was extremely unwell, then contracted chemical meningitis and numerous infections in my wound and blood.......this left me on high doses of steroids and in and out of hospital for over 6 months.

Needless to say my weight went up and up and my metabolism had slowed down dramatically. I have struggled and struggled to lose weight since then as I'm stuck in a vicious circle of pain from my brain condition made worse by my excessive weight. This has also affected my fertility......my fiancee and I desperately want a baby!

So here I am! Last night was session 2 of a 10 week bootcamp I have signed myself up to and I LOVED it!!!

My aim is to get ready to wear the beautiful dress I have found for my wedding next August and feel amazing in it!!


  • doingit4mykids6812
    doingit4mykids6812 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello :)
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I hope your taking time to enjoy planning it aw well. I would love to add you as a friend. I have about 90 lbs I need to lose, but 50 is my goal right at this moment. I'm not perfect at this weight loss thing but I am trying. Hope you have an amazing day!