Treadmill terror



  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm no help...I totally fell on the treadmill and would have gone flying off if I didn't hold on for dear life til my friend hit the stop button :) It was pretty funny though!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you are clinging- slow down.

    I can understand just having your hands there- but if you MUST hold on- you are going to fast- just slow down- there are speeds that are seriously turtle- barely moving speeds you can use to get acclimated- there is no reason to rush.
  • albionjen
    albionjen Posts: 86 Member
    Lucky you for living so centrally!

    If you are in Oxford street you are not too far from the central London Parks. Hyde park is to the West (about 0.5 miles max) and
    Regents park is North (about 0.7 miles) & Green Park is South (0.5 miles). You could even get the tube or bus if you don't want to walk on the busy streets.

    These parks are really safe and usually filled with people running/walking even on an evening. You could even do a route taking in the Mall and Buckingham palace from where you are. Again these are areas where there will be people about any time of the day or night but should not be too busy on an evening.

    I understand the gym is sometimes easier when it is dark and the weather is rubbish - this is the UK after all :) But 99% of the time I prefer outside over inside. If you stick with the treadmill, then it does take time to get used to it. I find them boring but I have got used to running on one when I just want a short run and I am already at the gym. Definitely felt strange the first few times and I still worry about somehow stepping onto the side (non moving bit). No accidents yet - touch wood!