Brain congestion

Hc1231 Posts: 5 Member
For some reason I am running low on motivation? Self-discipline? Give a sh*ts? I'm having trouble pinpointing exactly what I'm feeling or not feeling. Perhaps this is because I have not exercised in about a week. I need to say it out loud, usually helps. I want to get back on track, I was 4 pounds away from reaching my goal, I'm now 11 away. But I don't want to be 12 away. The only way to make this not happen is to refocus, remind, and reconsider my choices. I will choose to eat for health, not avoidance nor emotions. I will choose to exercise even if it's JUST 5, 10, 15 minutes. Start small and I'll go big, and not get big. I am worth it to accomplish a goal all the way through. I tend to act like this in many areas of my life, I get close, so very very close to achievements and think "close enough" and self sabotage... I want to change my mindset- I don't want to just be close, I want to be on my goal, live my goal. I got this!! Feels good to get all of this brain congestion out, thank you.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    I have periods where I'm 'going through the motions': it's just plain old habit that keeps me going, after 2+years.
    Your idea of small steps is good. When you're not 'feeling it' the idea of a full workout can be too much, but just doing something short and/or easy (low threshold) can do the trick. It can be as 'silly' as walking up and down the stairs a few times at home, a few laps around the house or 5 minutes of stretching...
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Agree. We all hit these periods. Where we are mentally does make a difference. Try some uplifting podcasts to shake off the blahs. Do small things or try a new exercise. You may just be tired of the same old. Good luck.
  • Hc1231
    Hc1231 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you both, very helpful and inspiring responses- much appreciated.