Muay Thai & Brazilian Jiujitsu

Hello all-

I've recently started taking Muay Thai and will be transitioning into Brazilian Jiujitsu next week. Thus far, I've found Muay Thai to be a great form of exercise which has really helped me lose a lot of weight so far. I expect the Brazilian Jiujitsu will help to accelerate the weight loss, or at least I hope it does. Has anyone else found this form of MMA exercise to be helpful?




  • MegaScorpion
    MegaScorpion Posts: 48 Member
    I trained in both MAs for years. They are both pretty rigorous!
  • Squiktater
    Squiktater Posts: 12 Member
    I miss BJJ...I had too many injuries to continue. It can be an amazing HIIT workout as your technique improves and you have enough technique to start rolling and not just drilling.