can i lose weight without exercising?

Frankly speaking, i am a person who is not into exercising. So can i lose weight by JUST following the calories intake listed for me?

And, is there a way for me to know if i am losing weight because i am losing water or fat?


  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Losing weight is calories in vs calories out. Yes you can lose weight without exercising.

    Yes. Take measurements and look in the mirror.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes but the problem is that you will lose muscle as well as fat if you don't do any kind of strength training. But you don't have to exercise, you just won't be able to eat as much.
  • allories
    allories Posts: 25
    Erm, mind explaining the difference between losing muscle and losing fat? I don't really know the difference between these 2 :blushing:
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Fat - The wobbly stuff on your body.
    Muscle - The firm stuff on your body.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    well i'm no expert, but if you lose too much muscle while losing weight, you could end up skinny fat.

    Whereas if you try to preserve as much muscle as possible, then you will become leaner as you shed the fat.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Muscle is the stuff that lets you do other stuff. Fat is the stuff that keeps you from doing other stuff. Exercise, you'll feel better!
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    Fat - The wobbly stuff on your body.
    Muscle - The firm stuff on your body.

  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Fat - The wobbly stuff on your body.
    Muscle - The firm stuff on your body.

    *flexes* *relaxes* *flexes* *relaxes*

    Heh. I AM A WIZARD!
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Put it like this - If you intend to lose weight, at least have the motivation to do some resistance training otherwise you probably won't like the results as much as you hoped.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I lost some weight without exercising before and for me it was not a good look. Sure the scale was lower, but I was still flabby, weak and out of shape. Plus I ended up gaining all of the weight back and them some when I got out of 'diet mode'.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    The short answer is 'Yes'. You don't have to exercise as such but be more active, walk more, climb stairs instead of using elevator, etc, if you can. However it is as simple as calories in less than calories out = weight loss.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member

    Of course you can lose weight without exercise; if you want to remain flabby. I think if you gave exercise a try, and that means more than once. you might actually find it quite enjoyable. By the way exercise does not have to be things you don't enjoy. Pick something you like and start there. Biking, hiking, jogging, swimming, rollerblading, who cares; just get out and do something.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising but if you do some activity you get exercise calories back which will give you more to play with and help you have a wider variety within your calorie goal.

    I was always the girl trying to get out of PE at school - now I do something every day. But its important to remember there's lots of exercise which is not a treadmill/weight machine variety. You just have to find something you enjoy and which fits in with your lifestyle.

    My exercise is predominantly walking (just round the neighbourhood, nothing involving chunky boots and bobble hats!) together with exercise DVDs - ones broken up into short segments, so i can do 20 mins before I get dressed in the morning, maybe 30-40 mins when I get in from work. But earlier this year I discovered Zumba which is so much fun I'd do it even if there were hardly any calories burnt. But fun plus 600+ calories an hour burn - its a no brainer for me! I do one class a week plus a couple of Wii Zumba classes, and for me it really stepped my weightloss up a gear.

    Remember how PE teachers used to say "If you do more exercise you'll have more energy" and you'd think "yeah, right. If I do more I'll just be more tired!". Well, actually they were right all along! Who knew?
  • chelazar88
    chelazar88 Posts: 106 Member
    Yes you can lose weight without "working out" will you get the best results the fastest? No of course not. I'm not sure what you weigh or how much you want to lose but it can be done. Your body is made up of fat and lean muscle mass. Basically you want to try and keep as much lean muscle as you can (or gain) and lose the fat. Muscle burns fat faster too. You dont have to "exercise" but stay busy. Play sports, go swimming, tennis, garden, go for walks (perhaps with kids or dog) walk trails (anything with hills etc will burn more cals) clean your house from top to bottom more often. There are lots of activities that burn calories that are not considered working out. Just keep extra busy, and have a calorie deficit. Many people say diet is like 80%. Eat fresh as much as possible. the body has a hard time processing all that boxed crap we eat. Stay away from white bread, white potatoes, limit your pasta. Lots of veggies, high protein (i was told to eat half my body weight in grams of protein) Drink water like theres no tomorrow (drink half ur weight in oz of water, and was told to eat half my body weight in carbs too.) So basically you end up with high protein, lots of water, lower carbs (dont cut them out they are important).
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    You have about 27 lbs to lose. Yes, you can lose weight without doing ANY exercise as long as your in a calorie deficit. I have seen someone lose 75 lbs by no exercise (physical limitations). If you truly don't like doing ANY at ALL, then you'll just be flabby & jiggly. There are a lot of women who don't like exercising at all, so they find something else.....walking more, roller blading/skating, hiking, water skiing, playing Frisbee with the dog, dancing, playing in the pool or the ocean, riding a bike at leisure pace....

    I would suggest finding some activity that you enjoy...keeping active is your key to avoid the jiggles. :flowerforyou:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise.

    Is there any reason why you can't exercise though?

    I have a problem with the bones and nerves in my spine so I cannot do the exercise I wish I could to push my weight loss, including lifting. I make the best of a bad situation and I do walking, pilates, yoga and occasionally swimming, though that sometimes leaves me in pain. You should start with those and work up, you don't have to do crazy intense workouts.

    Or you could swap with me? I'd like a non-broken body please.. :flowerforyou:
  • allories
    allories Posts: 25
    wow, god, i seriously didn't realized how important is exercising till now :noway:
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the advises, guess i'll have to choose something to work with now :flowerforyou:
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Try different kinds of workouts to see what is a good fit for you. It took me a while for me to come up with a nice workout routine and figure out what I liked and didn't like. Once I did though everything else fell into place.

    Best of luck to you!!!