Joining a challenge after beginning routine.

So two weeks ago I got back into the routine of tracking calories, upping protein and working out, focusing on weight training while throwing in a realistic amount of cardio then swimming laps while my girls play in the pool 3 times a week. My gym is doing a fitness challenge and I’m always a sucker for a challenge. It starts January 17th and at first I was thinking… well cripes! I’m already seeing some progress would’ve been nice to start the challenge when I started back up….. Then I got to thinking maybe I have an advantage since it takes what? 3-4 weeks to see any change? Plus I’m already developing good habits again after a 6 month break. What are your thoughts? Leg up being the challenge starts in a week and I’ll be three weeks back into my journey? Plus I was doing really well until June, so hopefully that muscle memory will benefit me?
No big deal, joining either way, just curious your thoughts.


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,767 Member
    What is the challenge? Weight loss? Lifting more weight? Doing more cardio?

    If it's weight loss, you might be a bit disadvantaged as many people lose a lot of water weight when they first start cutting calories and carbs. You will be past that initial water loss period. OTOH, as you say, you will have developed some good habits, hopefully. However, if your diet is too strict, you may also be at the point of frustration where it is harder to stick to the restrictions.

    If the challenge is something you would like to do, then go for it. Whether you win or not is less important than being consistent in making changes that improve your health and/or fitness.