
Hello! I was wondering if anyone wanted to form a small accountability group to support each other’s goals. I was hoping to find a handful of ladies who are looking to drop 50+ pounds and focusing that on what we are eating and holding each other accountable.


  • ja2m1n
    ja2m1n Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I would be interested in joining your group. I'm also looking for a small accountability group for weight loss goals. I have between 40 and 60 pounds to lose. I'm using cico with a focus on macros and I just want to stay consistent. If you are interested in a weekly check-in let me know!

  • KIC127
    KIC127 Posts: 20 Member
    I’m in! I’d like to drop 50-60.
  • mistressphoenixs
    mistressphoenixs Posts: 5 Member
    I'd really love an accountability group. I am working on tracking everything and have a lot of weight to lose. Like 166lbs. But with others to help me stay motivated I think I can really do this.
  • lesockie
    lesockie Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all! I'd love some accountability. I'm looking to lose 50 lbs overall, too! That will actually be back to what I weighed 10 years ago. Friend me and/or send me a message if you want to do this together! I'm aiming to limit carbs to 100g or less for now... I find with limited carbs, it's nearly impossible to eat too many calories!
  • tishie1
    tishie1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I am interested too. I need to lose 50 pounds, but would be happy with even 20. Please add me!
  • szirka2020
    szirka2020 Posts: 2 Member
    My weight loss goal is 30-50 so I'd like to enjoy some company while on this journey! I'm mainly counting calories and eating meat occasionally. Sign me up and let me know how this works :smiley:
  • legend208
    legend208 Posts: 1 Member
    I am definitely interested too. :) Looking to lose 50-60 lbs myself.
  • cjsunnyside
    cjsunnyside Posts: 136 Member
    If your group isn’t too large yet. I’m in category. 52 with 70 lbs to lose.
  • timetokicksome
    timetokicksome Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2022
    Id love to be added as well. Need 50lbs to lose by July :smile:
  • charluzny
    charluzny Posts: 3 Member
    I was shocked to discover that 3 small pieces of homemade elk jerky were 100 calories. I ate 9 last night in total thinking it was a 100 calorie decent choice!!!
    I will let it go. Today is a new day but jeepers!!🤪
  • timetokicksome
    timetokicksome Posts: 12 Member
    Jerky is a good source of protein. Better to have 300 cals in protein that'll help fuel and fill you than 300 cals in sugar or carbs that'll make you have more cravings. I think its a good choice. I also like the mindset! Keep it up!
  • crazyinspired11
    crazyinspired11 Posts: 46 Member
    Im in! I have over 100 pounds to lose
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    I'll join! I'm down 47 lbs so far but I want to lose about 40-50 more! Super active so if anyone would like to be friends, add me!
  • JennyC724
    JennyC724 Posts: 2 Member
    Me!! I’d be thrilled to lose even 20 pounds but my goal is 40!!
  • queenie2429
    queenie2429 Posts: 7 Member
    ME ME ME I’d love to join!!!
  • Kirstysargeant321
    Kirstysargeant321 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to lose 50-60lb this year 🤞would love some accountability please!
  • tehkillerfox
    tehkillerfox Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love to join, I'm looking to lose 40-50lbs. Would love a group for weekly check-ins and support.
  • J_Fabulous
    J_Fabulous Posts: 63 Member
    Hey! I'm trying to put together a small weight loss support group on Discord where we could have regular voice chat meetings to discuss our successes and challenges. If you are interested, I'll keep you posted on when it will be up.
  • rewritingmystory
    rewritingmystory Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to. I have 50 pounds to lose, but I'll take 40.
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    I would love to join too! I have about 75 lbs to lose. if you are starting a group would like to join in.