Unable to see certain profiles on Chrome browser online.

J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
Click on a profile name. Page says "There was a problem with your request
Sorry, but a server error occurred processing your request. Our team has been notified of the issue."

Anybody got anything?

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,306 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    Please contact our support team with as many details on this issue as you can (like the specific users this happens with) so we can look into it for you.

    Please visit https://myfitnesspal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or email directly to support@myfitnesspal.com


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Happens here for certain friends as well. Also on the Chrome browser.
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