Help setting up macros

Hi! New to MFP after using it ten years ago.

I had two questions!

1. What should my macros be set to? Right now they are 50 carb 30 30.

2. Also, should I be adding anything for breastfeeding?

I’m on a mission to lost over 100lbs.


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,979 Member
    Producing milk and caring for a baby costs energy. I hope others could add more information here, but I think 500 calories per day just for breastfeeding has been recommended in the past. Thus if you've chosen a calorie deficit of 1lbs per week you would be undereating and lose your milk supply. If you want to lose 1lbs per week then set your calories to maintenance and let your milk production produce a moderate deficit. You could start out with a bigger one and add 500 calories each day, but I would start slow to keep both you and baby happy, and then adjust where needed.

    Macros is totally individual. You can leave it like this for now, just ignore it and see how your actual macro split looks like. Are you eating more protein? No problem. Protein is good. More carbs or fats? Does it make you feel full, energetic and happy? So why not. If not then experiment a bit and figure out what keeps you full and happy. We're all different. I'm pretty much the carboholic here. Carbs make me happy and full. Other people get the same with lots of protein, and again others with fats.