Greetings from Georgia

I've been using the calorie counter for a few months now and decided to pay the annual just because I lost 15 pounds without thinking about it. I'm not one for weighing in each day or week, I have some relatively tough work clothes built for construction work that don't expand...nor shrink.

However they were getting a bit snug but loosened up considerably which raised the question "Is it working?" It did...still does. I've been in and out of plenty of little programs and diets that did quick losses but the end results have all been the same. The work duds got tight and since they don't have any "give"....downright uncomfortable.

I went with a nutritionist via the medical group that takes care of my ills and woes and in our initial meeting...I made the statement, "weight loss is just math." I like her because she made it immediately clear that I was absolutely in error with that comment. She doesn't mince words or dance around the topics...she's a med professional and not a sales person for a diet group. On construction sites...we don't mince words nor tip toe about anything....and the language is just a tad more crude and explanatory. I knew she was the one to shoot straight on all things nutrition and a guideline towards limits in all things necessary for a 2000 calorie diet to lose slowly but consistently.

I suspect in a month, I'll be having to wear "braces" or suspenders to keep my pants in place throughout the day...which is considerably more comfortable and a lot safer, too.

My wife and I live east of Atlanta about 35 miles into the near rurals of Georgia. We have no children...but we do have two feline juvenile delinquents. Married for 25 years and on final approach to retirement.