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Entries with hidden calories and macros

I am trying to switch over to a kind of passive calorie counting, where I would journal during the day and then later log in everything to see if I am hitting my goals in macros, calories etc. if I am over- or undereating.

I have only started doing this for 2 days but I see positive changes already in my mindset. (It's just a bit annoying to write everything down and then log in all at once.)

The feature would be to be able to log everything in as normal, but then we'd have to switch on a button to "reveal" the nutritional information. (For some items, we'd have to pick the serving sizes for the app to be able to calculate the calories correctly. But initially it wouldn't show the values.)

I think this could be something MyFitnessPal could be working on for people who want to be a tiny but more intuitive but also track at the same time with no judgement.
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