Turning 30 and looking for help

Hello this year I will be 30 and I have heard so many horror stories about how hard it is to loose weight in your 30s. I am currently 171.6 but at the beginning of my journey I was 250. about 10 years ago. Although no gain is good gain when I was growing up I was abused by my father so I gained the weight because he hated "fat people" his words not mine. And so to stop the abuse I gained all this weight. When I met my husband I was at my biggest and even though he tried to help me loose weight our first two years of daiting I mentaly needed to be the same because I was scared that my father wad going to start abusing me again. Anyway he took me away from that situation and moved me far away across the country and it was then I started loosing weight. I got to 190 no problem but then it started getting harder and harder to loose the weight. I have a website where I blog about my struggles looseing weight and I may touch base a little more into my abuse once I feel more comfertable and I am further along into my therapy but for now it is mostly about my struggles. I also have a youtube where I talk about makeup, avon, and a few other things. I will probably never have the nerve to talk about anything that happened in a vidio. I also add videos of PS2 games that I play over there and my twitch. I also might just add my vr excursions to my twitch as well. Anyway I started to ramble and I appologize. ifyou would like to add me feel free.


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    What you have been told about "how hard it is to lose weight in your 30's"...well, it's no different whatsoever than your 20's. The whole myth about your metabolism coming to a grinding halt when you hit 30 is a very convenient excuse for people whose lifestyles change - different activity levels, different eating habits, etc - and they pack on the pounds.

    Science has proven that human metabolism is remarkably stable from around age 20 to around age 60.

    I'm sorry for what you've endured in your life; you certainly didn't deserve that kind of treatment but I'm glad you got away from it and that you're in therapy. You've made some great progress so far.

    Best wishes in your journey!