Looking for open diary friends

Hello there, newbie here by the name of Phoebe. I am looking for friends with open diarys to help me along. I am someone who is on everyday in the evening and tries to comment and help everyone along. My diary at the moment is unhealthy (only eating 600-1000 cals a day) but that is because of an illness im just getting over (hopefully I will be over it in the next 2 weeks). I do not have an ED nor do I like eating so little (I really miss having more food) so please don't comment telling me that I am eating to little...apart from that I think we will get on just dandy.

So a little about myself I live in Ireland, im very much into photography and gaming. I have a morbidly obese cat named Cat. I have the metabolism of a snail and I love meeting new people. Anyone interested in adding me?


  • evileyefirefly
    evileyefirefly Posts: 137 Member
    I have an open diary and am willing to help.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member

    I have been been active here for a month or so and found some friends now - which I will introduce you to .. I havn't many but they are all great with positive attitude - and quite funny too !

    I just thought I would look at the into forum as I remember until I found some friends here it was all sooo much harder!

    I am in the UK - but most my friends I have found are in the US ...

    So add if you like!
    Same for anyone else reading.

  • OerbaYunfang
    Thanks so much for the help xx
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    My diary's open to friends - feel free to add me!

    I do like snooping in other people's diaries ... and sometimes thinking 'mmmm, that looks yummy' :)
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    Good opener! Thanks for sharing and good luck :smile:
  • PinkyLilac
    PinkyLilac Posts: 52 Member
    Hiya, I'm Amelia from Essex, UK and my diary is also open to friends.I fill it in every day and have for last 9weeks.Feel free add me xxx
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    I forgot to say, another UK person here, so feel free to add me as a friend (and I am also into Photography - landscapes, animals, etc). My diary is visible to friends.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    ok I love that your cats name is cat!!!!
    My diary is open although I am not a super healthy eater - but I am willing to help - plus I love having friends.
    I love photography and have mastered taking great pictures with my Iphone!!! ;) I really want to do more - I have a friend who is opening up a studio with her brother so I do have some friends who can help.
    Anyhow Im here every day to motivate :)

    i however am in the US - does that disqualify me as a friend??? :flowerforyou:
  • FitGirlNani
    FitGirlNani Posts: 33 Member
    I'm open! Add me if you'd like.
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm ooooooopen! Anyone feel free adding me!
  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mine is open, you can add me
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    My diary is open.
  • poohbear1958
    poohbear1958 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Phoebe. UK here, log in every evening with an open diary. Please feel free to add me.
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    My diary's open to friends...add me if you like. Undereating is a foreign concept to me so maybe you'll find my diary helpful. :)
  • YankeesGirl1225
    YankeesGirl1225 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Heather, from the US. My diary is open to friends and I've been logging in consistently (again) for the past couple weeks. Feel free to add me. I like being able to see what other people are eating too!
  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me. Diary is open and i am open to critique
  • Mushiemallows
    Mushiemallows Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! n_n My diary is open to friends <3 I'm new to this so it'd be cool to see some other diaries, especially for meal ideas.
  • shelllord
    shelllord Posts: 43 Member
    I just had to Google shamu ha x
  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    request sent!!

    Like my facebook page for more info on my workout routines, diet and daily motivators!!!
  • FeelinChastastic
    My diary is open. Feel free to add me. That goes for all of you :)