Really want friends to motivate each other

Really looking for a good group of people to all friend each other and keep each other motivated and accountable. Im hoping we can post daily and maybe keep our food diary open to each other to be able to feel we have others that will provide the feedback many of us need.


  • sweetneat75
    sweetneat75 Posts: 52 Member
    Request sent
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 354 Member
    Yes i need friends to motivate me Please come join me as I dont even know how to invite you over.
  • raschnurr
    raschnurr Posts: 2 Member
    I would really like to do this with you guys...I need exactly what you're describing - a good group of people to keep each other accountant and on track. Request sent!
  • Flame_Grilled
    Flame_Grilled Posts: 30 Member
    Please by all means I need help and support. It would be lovely to see updates from people on my timeline other than adverts 😃