new for 18th time..

Trying this once again until I get this right. My name is Mike, and I'm from Omaha Nebraska. I'm still trying to get rid of this spare tire. I'm pretty good at not eating too much and trying to keep a daily calorie limit. But keeping track of it is something I must get used to. Like I said, trying this for the 18th time. It's a pleasure to meet you all.


  • summertime0302
    summertime0302 Posts: 22 Member
    It's a process. I'm back for the third time. Hoping to change my lifestyle again. Best of luck to you. My mantra..."always remember why you started"
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Hi Mike,

    To gt you started, what's going to be different about this time? Have you put some hard thought into why it hasn't worked for you before?

    The fact that you've started 18 times means to me you want this, so what's going wrong for you?
  • grewmullins
    grewmullins Posts: 16 Member
    I liked your post and I can totally relate as I restarted MFP about two weeks ago. I think that was my fifth time taking a stab at it. The thing I have done different this time is I've tried to enlist MFP friends to help encourage and motivate me and it has made all the difference. My weight loss record doesn't tell the whole story as I've had some headwinds restarting this time (see my blog) but I feel very motivated to be successful this time. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will be happy to give you a pat on the back or kick in the butt to keep you moving forward.
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    In it for the long haul too. These handles will disappear this time. Feel free to add me. Still learning how to eat, but I log food regularly.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    Helloooo welcome back -
    18th and final time is what your heading should say!!!!
    I am on here daily! I log everything - even when I indulge- like waaaayyy too many alcoholic beverages...
    feel free to add me!
    Good luck to you
  • hey! We All fall sometimes! I dont know a person who is overweight that hasnt tried again! keep up the good work and it takes some getting used to but we will get there , right!
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    YOU can do it this time:-) I found that daily logging of all things from food, to drinks to exercise..with friends keeping me motivated daily....keeps me accountable....feel free to add me...I think I am on MFP more than FB:laugh:
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    It isn't easy, that's for sure! Maybe, just maybe this is the time it will happen for you. I've been here for almost 2 years and lost beyond my goal and then let 10 of it come back. Its not easy but maybe we can do this together. Feel free to add me. Karen
  • Thanks everyone. 18th and final try..ok?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Here ya go.

    1. don't trust the initial setup that MFP provides. If you put in the wrong/inaccurate information, it'll tell you to eat an amount that may not be applicable.
    2. Make sure you eat enough.
    3. Figure out what works for you and is sustainable/healthy/long term.
    4. avoid fads. don't buy in to any "Hey, try the twinkie and vodka diet"
    5. Don't cut out anything now that you don't plan on literally giving up forever.
    6. GET A FOOD SCALE. Weigh everything. No, seriously.
    7. Get an HRM with a chest strap. You'll at least have a better idea of what you're burning. It'll be more accurate than the generic info in the exercise database.. and even more than the cardio machines.
    8. Don't go balls out. You'll burn out. I see 300 lb people show up here, instantly start working out and cutting their intake SEVERELY... trying to cut out all of their carbs at once.. whatever. Take it slow. Figure out how much you need to eat FIRST in order to lose.. then incorporate exercise.
    9. Don't cardio yourself to death.
    10. Take the information on the forums with a grain of salt. A lot of people that have been here for a while.. and have been successful, may seem jaded. They give out GREAT advice day after day, only to be met with people that refuse to listen.
    11. Eat real food. Not diet food. Not "low fat, sugar free, now without X." It's easier to get/find/count.
    12. don't set time restrictions.
    13. measure yourself weekly. Don't just weigh. Measure and take pictures.
    14 BE PATIENT.
    15. Avoid forum topics that have "1200" in the title. It's just full of butthurt. Lots of it.
    16. This isn't a game, it's about changing your lifestyle. Do that.

    pretty much that.

    ...and don't fall into the "1200 calorie" vertigo of suck because of:

    the typical MFP users does this:
    1. I wanna lose weight, let's try MFP.
    2. OH! Wow, it tells me I can lose 2 lbs a WEEK? AWESOME!
    3. I just sit at a desk when I'm not working out, I guess I'm sedentary.
    4. MFP tells them 1200 calories, and they don't even eat that.. then they work out on top of it.. creating an even bigger deficit.
    5. Lose a lot, fast, brag about 1200 calorie success.
    6. Come back in a few months trying to figure out why they're dizzy, tired, not losing weight.
    7. Get on the forums, ask why they aren't losing.
    8. Get two responses (I eat 1200 and lose) (I eat 2200 and lose)
    9. Argument ensues about who is right.

    Now. That being said. These threads happen hundreds of times per day. Most times, and I mean really.. seriously.. 95% of the time.. people get the 1200 number because they don't put the right information in when they set up the account. There are a great number of people that are trying to help. I'm one of 'em.

    I'm a hardcore advocate of actually finding out what works for the individual.. by means of other calculators, averages, time, practice, and patience.

    Blanket prescriptions of 1200 calories "because it worked for me" is more harmful to the generic new user than the "figure out what you need to eat." Unfortunately, one is a LOT easier to type.

    Find out what you need:
    Take the tips, links, and info above and make the cart more manageable.

    there, OP. Seriously.

    Make the "wagon" easier to stay on.
  • I'm a restart (sort of)- I lost 45 lbs on here, kept it off for long time and then all of the sudden my thyroid messed up and I had an injury at the same time (lessened my running/hard cardio) and I've gained 40 in just 6 months- absolutely ridiculous! I'm still working with the endocrine docs and having hip surgery in Nov but I'm doing my part too by tracking on here again. Anyone can feel free to add me... I'm trying to build back a friend base on here. :)
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Good luck OP, and listen to Trog. He knows stuff.