Additional Snack Entries

simdesou Posts: 1 Member
Is it possible (perhaps a future feature) to allow users to:

-enter multiple snack entry categories. For example there is only one snack but if I have a morning and afternoon snack at different times I cannot account for this

-add time of meals or allow breakfast lunch dinner snack titles to be changed

Best Answer

  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,468 MFP Staff
    Answer ✓
    You can adjust your meal names (aka meal categories) and add two more by making these customizations in the program.

    On our Website:

    Once you've logged in, click on "My Home", then "Settings", then "Diary Settings". At the top of that page you can change your meal names, as well as add up to two additional meals. Be sure to save your changes.

    The new meal names will synced to our mobile app the next time the app has a valid internet connection

    In our iOS and Android Apps:

    Select the menu (or "More") button
    Tap Settings
    Select Diary Settings
    Then "Customize Meal Names"

    Once you successfully save the changes, the new meal names will sync to the website.

    Bear in mind that this is a global change to all days of your diary. It is not currently possible to have different meal names on different days.
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