Food scale that links to APP?

I am trying to streamline daily life and I would love to find a food scale that can link up with the APP to log data, save time and help reduce forgetfulness due to busy weeks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

- Biscuit


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    How would this work? The scale doesn't know what kind of product/produce you're weighing, hence you'd still need to find the right one in the database. On the other hand, in the app it's very easy to select commonly used products as they show up first in the search.
  • BiscuitPuncher
    BiscuitPuncher Posts: 6 Member
    I was thinking input the foods you like into the scale, perhaps the ones used most often so you can just scroll through a quick menu at the scale and press enter. Many people eat a lot of the same meals when pursuing weight loss or for health reasons.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,842 Member
    Hmm.. interesting. I've never heard of this. Still, the scale would need access to the MFP database for this to work. I'm not sure whether MFP offer API access. I'm not sure how MPF would handle data entered into a scale and then transmitted to them to be honest. Either you'd need some identifier that connects this to the correct database entry, or you're in the same situation again: you might get any random entry.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    Such a product doesn't currently exist, unfortunately.

    If you invent and manufacture it, you could probably make money on it.

    Meanwhile, getting what you normally eat logged and in your frequent foods, grouping things eaten together into meals (in MFP), adding your regular recipes: All of that is an investment in making the routine logging process quick and easy.

    If you eat repetitively, as you imply, it should be fairly easy, just plugging in numbers from your separate scale. I'd say I spend less than 10 minutes a day logging food, typically, which to me seems like a small price to pay for reaching and staying at a healthy weight, after previous decades of overweight/obesity, in my case.
  • Determined_4Me
    Determined_4Me Posts: 1 Member
    It makes sense to me. With my WW scale, I could enter the food on the scale and it would calculate the points.