Losing weight for IVF - Looking for friends/support buddies

Hi everyone i tried to search but couldn't find anything recent/active so I thought I would create something myself.. I'm about 4 months in to trying to lose weight for the 67646744 time.. fell off the wagon a bit over Christmas due to family get together and my dad being sick in the ICU but trying to get back on track now. Need to lose a decent amount to be able to access ivf so my husband and I can try for a baby. I'm hoping to gain some supportive friends on here to keep eachother going! Add me if you're in a similar boat xx


  • Findingme724
    Findingme724 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I wish I found this post sooner I hope you’re still on here. Im so sorry to hear that you’re struggling to conceive and that your dad was in the ICU. I hope he has recovered.

    I’m actually going on my second year of IVF right now. I just started Lupron yesterday, a more aggressive cycle. I am also trying to lose weight I gained in 2019 from my first miscarriage. I fell into depression and gain about 80lbs. I’m down about 30 and still have a lot to lose. Being on IVF meds makes weight loss more difficult but not impossible.

    If you want to chat and are still here please reach out! I’m also looking for support and friends that are going through this. ❤️🥰