Possible to have Tread-climber burnout?

I have a Bowflex...Love it... burns double the amount of calories... good solid workout... Kicks my butt.. But after doing it 4 months 6 days a week... I struggle now.. I can barely go 45 min... and I used to go over 60...I get so tired.. Wondering if I just have just burned out on it, or if there is something lacking in my diet, thats causing the energy crash... no carbs maybe...no sugar? or if I am just burned out... I do take a walk after dinner... 2 miles normally, So by the end of the day I normally have walked/ran 4-5 miles..and altho I may not raise my heart rate enough to burn the calories... (except most of it is uphill) I enjoy that way more than getting on the Bowflex.. Anybody have any ideas?