Weight loss drop off?

I started my weight loss journey again, on 1st Jan.

So far I've lost 12lbs and I'm really happy with that. I've stayed in my calorie deficit and I've been exercising at least 3-4 times per week.
Week 1, I lost 5lbs, week 2 was 3lbs, week 3 3.5lbs, then last week just 1lb. I understand it's going to slow down a little as time goes on but is there anything I can do or adjust to keep the pace?

Obviously I understand every body is different and it may be down to certain foods that week/hormones/changes in muscle as opposed to fat. Eating between 1350 - 1450 calories per week, I'm 13st8lbs, 29, female and 5"8.


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    From my experience, it's very normal for weight loss to not continue at a constant pace. For me I would lose steadily for a bit, and then nothing for weeks on end, and then lose again for a bit, and then nothing again.

    However, when I looked at the graph over a year, the slope was actually constant. My rate of loss was consistent every single month except around Christmas where I ate more for a few weeks.

    The scale seemed to not budge for long periods, but when viewed at a higher level, my weight loss was actually totally predictable. It just didn't feel that way at the time.

    Be patient. Impatience and expecting a constant rate of loss is the number cause of failure.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,279 Member
    edited January 2022
    Weight loss is not linear. Your fast losses the first weeks were probably partly water weight loss and perhaps less food waste in your digestive tract from reducing your food intake.

    After those fast losses because of factors not related to fat loss have passed, you're experiencing normal weight fluctuations. Weight loss is not linear, there will be ups and downs. After fast water weight loss, sometimes our body weight will stall a bit, as the body finds its new water weight level. Or you could be experiencing water weight retention from the increased exercise. Or it works be hormones, related to your monthly cycle. Or it could be related to stress, sleep, the position of the moon or any other mysterious reason our body plays tricks on us 🤪

    All those fluctuations mask fat loss on the scale, so you just need patience - look at the long term weight trend. For women with a monthly cycle, it can be more helpful to compare similar points in the monthly cycle to make sure progress is being made.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    ash1864 wrote: »
    I started my weight loss journey again, on 1st Jan.

    So far I've lost 12lbs and I'm really happy with that. I've stayed in my calorie deficit and I've been exercising at least 3-4 times per week.
    Week 1, I lost 5lbs, week 2 was 3lbs, week 3 3.5lbs, then last week just 1lb. I understand it's going to slow down a little as time goes on but is there anything I can do or adjust to keep the pace?

    Obviously I understand every body is different and it may be down to certain foods that week/hormones/changes in muscle as opposed to fat. Eating between 1350 - 1450 calories per week, I'm 13st8lbs, 29, female and 5"8.

    This is normal. Losing weight isn't a linear process. Early on you drop a lot of water weight from consuming fewer calories and then it slows to a normal rate. You're also going to have weeks with bigger losses, smaller losses, gains, no losses, etc.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,512 Member
    edited January 2022
    What Lietchi said. Hey, look at it this way: MFP lets you chose a maximum of 2lbs per week. you lost 12? That's 4 too much! Go and fix it! :D

    Lets be honest, if I see this correctly, your about 85kg, and your fairly tall. You don't have so much to lose. Maybe 20lbs? A loss rate of 1-1.5lbs per week would possible realistic at the moment. It will go down as you become lighter because a smaller body needs less energy. But hey, well done!